A Vision to Safe Weight Loss by Seniors

As a senior, you are probably among the many who would like to live a healthier senior lifestyle. You hear about ways to promote good circulation, ways to keep the weight off, and the importance of exercising regularly.

So what do you do when you want to live more healthily?

You might:

  • Read articles on health
  • Make yourself reminder posters and hang them on the fridge and by the breakfast table
  • Try to buy healthy food products
  • Follow plans for anti-inflammatory diets

and so on. There are many suggestions available, though your doctor’s office and online.


What is Really Going To Make The Difference?

When you really want to make a change, there are a couple of things that will really help you to succeed.


A Vision

Out of 10,000 dieters who registered their weight control successes with the National Weight Control Registry (the NWCR), there were not that many common patterns, such as a specific diet plan, among the successful dieters.

One common thread that stood out, was when the dieters had a motivating factor in addition to that of the weight loss. It was something that made them want to succeed in their weight control. Each gave a different reason. For one person it was that they wanted to enjoy their grandchildren, for another it was their concern about their genetic disposition to diabetes.

This shows us the power of having a vision of success. If you see yourself playing with your grand children, or enjoying sports into your 90’s, this will help you to pursue your dream of living healthily!

Work out what your vision is, today!


A Plan that Works For You

Aim to build or choose a weight loss plan that fits in with your lifestyle and enables you to make long-term, realistic changes. Many of the diets that promise quick weight loss and easy results do not address the whole picture and end up being an unsuccessful venture. That is because they do not address your whole picture!

Your diet and weight control plan needs to take into account the condition of your health, health issues you live with and the specific type of lifestyle you live.

For example, if you live a sedentary lifestyle, then you need to know that simply increasing the number of steps you take by a small amount, will help with losing weight. If you don’t know that, then you might say that you agree to walk 10,000 steps a day, from now on. Of course, that well-intended resolution will not last long.


Quality of Life with Realistic Changes

Here are a few suggestions for weight watching for the senior population. Pick out tips that you think will work for you.

Run any changes in your diet, by your doctor or dietitian. Slow and steady wins the weight-control race!

  • Find out how many calories you need a day based on your gender, age and so on.
  • Protein is very important for senior. Discover how much protein you need a day, not just in grams or ounces, but also in size or with a picture. Find out which type of protein is good for you. Not all proteins are equal.
  • Get a dietitian to help you make a list of nutrient -rich foods that you like and are within your calorific recommendation.
  • Include plenty of vegetables and fruit in your diet. If you are a selective eater, you can still find things that you like! Eat more of those things.
  • Eat and sleep in a balanced manner so that your metabolism will work as it should.
  • Make sure you have a healthy appetite. If you don’t feel hunger when you should, talk to the doctor. In a senior, that might be a sign of an underlying problem.
  • Try to be in a supportive environment, with others around you who know what the words ‘a healthier senior lifestyle’ means.


As a summary: Things do change in the metabolism in a person’s senior years, but the concept of a diet being balanced, healthy and suitable to your lifestyle are a constant throughout life.


Thus, the best resources for your successful diet are:


  • Knowing yourself and what you can handle.
  • Knowing what is most important to you.
  • Your doctor, the one knows you best.
  • Supportive and positive people, these are always a blessing.


Live your vision, and enjoy a healthier senior lifestyle!


A healthier senior lifestyle, includes weight control.



Original Photo by David Fartek on Unsplash

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